Find out who’s paying what and compare what your earning. Know your worth and join the ETU in pushing pay, conditions and safety up.

About Us

If you've ever had a problem at work, you'll understand why unions exist. If you don't have problems at work, it's because unions exist. It's because others have fought to ensure that you have many of the things we take for granted in our working life today. But those things are not necessarily there forever if we don't keep up the fight.


The Electrical Trades Union (ETU) is made up of groups of workers who have organised themselves into the union to solve problems that they can't solve on their own. We know that as a group, we have more power than individuals and with that power we can put pressure on employers to respond to the issues that concern us in our working lives.

Industry Vanguards

The ETU is made up of workers like you, who want to defend and improve their working conditions and play their role in maintaining a good standard of living for themselves, their families and our community as a whole.

Protector Of The Trade

The ETU sits on many boards like the electrical licensing board, Standards Australia, WHS, etc. We make sure the our trade and license is not eroded and that our work places remain safe. Business are constantly attacking the very things that make out trade safe and keep the end users of electricity safe, the public.

ETU WA Branch

Meet some of our members and hear about the benefits of joining the ETU WA Branch.

Rates Flyers

Click on the flyer title to open a rates flyer. Flyer’s can be shared directly or printed and shared physically.

Apprentices Fed Award Rates

Recently we have found a number of apprentices who are paid under the electrical, electronic & communications contracting award 2020 and haven’t received the appropriate rates of pay or the correct allowances that they’re entitled to.

Flat Rates Flyer

Make sure you know what your ‘real’ rate is when working on flat or casual rates. Taking into account your hours of work per week is crucial in determining what the equivalent permanent, full time hourly rate is by comparison, for those worked hours.

ECI Everett Smith Fredon and Nilsen 2024-28 Inc. Apprentice Rates

Everett Smith Fredon and Nilsen members have locked in industry rates and conditions for the commercial sector. This is what unity delivers! This should be an example to what can be achieved and workers in the NW should expect no less.

Commercial Construction Senior Electrician Yearly Earnings 2024

Commercial Construction Senior Electrician Yearly Earnings (From Feb 2025)

The ETU is campaigning for an overall uplift of rates and conditions via an ‘industry-standard’ Enterprise Agreement and we‘ve had some good wins recently with Fredon and Everett-Smith. UNION DENSITY within the workplace is KEY to this campaign. If you’re not a member yet, do yourself and your sector a favour by sharing the responsibility of fighting for better wages and benefits.

ECI Commercial Contracting Rates

Members have secured a great new EBA’s in the commercial sector with 5% per year each year for the 4 year deal. How does yours compare?

ECI Industrial Construction Kwinana SW MW Rates

ETU has secured a new Greenfields EBA for the Synergy Collie BESS project paying nearly on par with Pluto 2 and with a better roster. The ETU will continue to not sign EBAs that are not up to scratch and we hope other Unions do the same.

ECI Industrial Construction North West Rates

Companies continue to pay well below what is fair for working in some of the harshest conditions. This will continue until workers realise that the only way to fix this is through Unionism.

ECI Industrial Maintenance & Small Projects Kwinana & Southwest Rates

Members have managed to push rates in the right direction but the job is far from done. We still have many companies getting agreements voted up with zero Union influence and electricians that undervalue their worth.

Manufacturing Food & Beverage Southwest Rates

Members at a few of the Southwest manufacturing site have got decent agreements across the line. If you work in the Manufacturing Food & Beverage industry and would like to improve your wages and conditions – contact your organiser or the office to get the ball rolling.

Mines & Minerals Directs Kwinana & Southwest Rates

Members at most of the key mines and refineries in the Southwest have managed to get good agreements up. There are only a couple left to come to the realisation that the only way to beat the capitalist is through Unity.

Oil & Gas On & Offshore Directs Rates

Members have for the first time on some platforms united to usher in agreements setting the standard for the oil and gas industry. Solidarity wins again.

Salary Calculator

WA Rates free worker wage calculator provides you with an online user-friendly tool for estimating your earnings. This tool empowers workers to make informed financial decisions by providing valuable insights into your potential income based on different variables. Many workers underestimate what they earn in relation to time worked.

Do not fall in to the trap of working bulk hours when you can earn just as much on jobs with higher hourly rates giving you more time off to enjoy life.

Total Hours: 0
Ord Hours: 0
1.5x Hours: 0
2.0 Hours: 0
Site Allowance: 0
Travel Allowance: 0
Tool Allowance: 0
Meal Allowance: 0
Weekly Total: 0
Weekly Total Averaged Over 52 Wks: 0
Annual Amounts
Wages: 0
Severance: 0
PCB: 0
Total Earnings: 0
Super 11.5%: 0

Data Does Not Lie

The below graphs clearly show why workers need to band together, join their Union and fight for better wages. The percentage of profits have been increasing year on year and are now, so far out of whack.

Business and politicians love to discuss what workers should be paid, how big their pay rise should be and that wages need to be kept “in control”, all the while profits are left unchecked.

It is forbidden to talk about what level of profits is fair and that there should be a cap on profits, or at least a super profits tax.

It does not mater which political party is in power. Politicians will never change the laws to truly benefit workers. There is only one tried and test way to win better wages and conditions, and that’s Unity.


Keeping your details current is important. If you have moved address, changed your contact details, switched employers, or sites, or have new direct debit banking details, please let us know by clicking the button below and filling out the form.


Follow the ETU WA brach to stay informed.